Quality health care services delivery

Program Overview

Save for Health Uganda (SHU) supports schemes to accredit and contract quality Health Care Providers (HCPs) annually in addition to lobbying management of the contracted HCPs to establish and institutionalize Client Relations Desks (CRDs) aimed at improving reception and also address clients’ concerns regarding healthcare service delivery. SHU also supports schemes to hold feedback meetings with contracted Health care providers quarterly aimed at addressing issues raised from both parties in order to improve client satisfaction with health care service delivery. At national level, SHU advocates for an increment in budget allocation for the Ministry of Health to improve on services delivery in public facilities.

What we do to facilitate the schemes to pay for all services consumed

  1. We support schemes to develop products and charge the appropriate premiums
  2. We support schemes and health care providers with appropriate technology and tools to identify beneficiaries and bill the schemes.
  3. We support the schemes to provide up-to-date information to healthcare providers about benefits and member information.
  4. We build systems and capacity of scheme leaders to receive, verify and recommend schemes to pay the approved medical bills.
Scheme leaders signing an MOU to operationalize portability of services for members to access healthcare services across all the regions where the schemes exist.
Mr. Fredrick Makaire the Executive Director Save for Health Uganda addressing participants during a joint partners meeting held on 23rd-24th May 2024 at Pope Paul Memorial Hotel in Kampala
Ms. Lydia Komugisha the Executive Director Ishaka Adventist Hospital making a submission during a joint partners meeting held on 23rd-24th May 2024 at Pope Paul Memorial Hotel in Kampala

What We do under this program

What we do to support both the accredited Health Care Providers and the CHI schemes to sign service contracts

  1. We accredit healthcare facilities and provide the list to the schemes for possible contracting
  2. We support schemes to prepare service contracts.
  3. We prepare healthcare providers and scheme members separately to enter into formal contracts.
  4. We facilitate negotiations and witness the signing of service contracts.
  5. We monitor the implementation of service contracts by both parties and cause action for improvement.
  6. We support schemes to hold quarterly feedback meetings with management of the contracted Health Care Providers.
  7. We organize annual feedback meetings between health care providers, scheme members and scheme leaders to share experiences on how to improve the quality of services.

What we do to improve the quality of healthcare services.

  1. We train healthcare provider staff in patient-centered care, patient rights and responsibilities, procedures of coverage and functioning of the CHI scheme.
  2. We lobby and support contracted healthcare providers to establish and institutionalize client relations desks in addition to training the recruited staff aiming at improving reception services and addressing clients’ concerns.
  3. We advocate for the representation of CHI scheme members on health facility management committees share feedback from both parties.
  4. We support schemes to operationalize a referral system among the contracted health care providers within and across the regions where the schemes exist to promote portability of services and enable members access quality services.
  5. We empower communities to participate in advocacy for increased budget allocation to the health sector.

What we do to advocate for the increase in the national health budget

  1. We organize Annual National Community Health Financing conferences aimed at advocating for fast tracking the implementation of the National Health Insurance Scheme as an alternative health financing mechanism to supplement the little funds allocated to the health sector.
  2. We participate in activities of Civil Society Actors aimed at influencing policy makers to allocate more financial and other resources to the health sector.
  3. We engage policy makers on health sector budget allocation through sharing evidence-based information on gaps in health services delivery.

Below is a list of Health Care Providers contracted by SHU CHI schemes