11 schemes inaugurated in Eastern Uganda

11 schemes inaugurated in Eastern Uganda

Published By Save for Health Uganda |  November 9, 2022

Save for Health Uganda (SHU) has inaugurated the first batch of community health insurance (CHI) sub-schemes created in the three districts of Iganga, Bugweri and Mayuge in Busoga sub-region, eastern Uganda. Six of the sub-schemes are located in Iganga, two in Bugweri and three in Mayuge.

The eleven sub-schemes include Namasoga, Iwawu East and Central Busoga Diocese in Bulamagi sub-county; Kiwanyi and Nawangaiza in Nawandala sub-county; and Calvary Chapel Naluko in Nabitende sub-county, Iganga district. Others are Nawansega in Ibulanku sub-county and Walanga in Igombe sub-county in Bugweri District. The sub-schemes in Mayuge district are Lugolole, St. Francis Buluba and Little Sisters Busoga, all in Baitambogwe sub-county.

The eleven sub-schemes have a membership of 3,300 individuals from 560 households. The sub-schemes are part of the main CHI scheme named Busoga Region Association of Tweidhandhabe Schemes (BRATS) which is registered with Iganga district as a community based organization.

The scheme signed service contracts with four health care facilities which have started providing medical services to the members. These are: Ibulanku community HC III in Bugweri district, Kiwanyi HC II and Naluko Women’s Hospital in Iganga district, and St. Francis Hospital Buluba in Mayuge district.

The four facilities offer both outpatient and in-patient services to scheme members for all illnesses except self-inflicted injuries, cancer cases, referral outside contracted facilities and self-medication claims. Every scheme member is entitled to healthcare services cover of maximum Ugx100,000 for outpatient care and Ugx200,000 for inpatient for every episode of illness at any of the four contracted health facilities.

SHU started implementing CHI in Busoga sub-region in January last year and targets to create at least 30 CHI sub-schemes by December 2023. Each household pays Ugx4,000 for registration while individuals contribute between Ugx 15,000 and Ugx20,000 for premium per year.